our history

Relevant Solutions was formed in January 2000 with a primary focus on Commercial Operations functions in the Pharmaceutical Industry.

Our purpose is to apply our successful practical leadership experience to strategy, tactics, training and communicating. We use practical advice and exercises, with appropriate guided reflection, to gain and apply real world insights that foster sustained growth and superior performance.

Mike McGinley is a founding partner of Relevant Solutions LLC. Mike left Novartis at the end of 1999 to establish Relevant Solutions. At that time Mike was Brand Director for the Novartis Consultant Network. Previous assignments include Regional Marketing Manager, Ciba-Geigy Executive Business Director and District Manager. In addition, Mike is working on his second Masters from the University of Pennsylvania in Organizational Dynamics.

Joe Sebra is a founding partner of Relevant Solutions LLC. Joe retired from Novartis in December 1999 as Vice President of Healthcare Solutions & Marketing Processes. Previous assignments include Novartis General Manager, Sandoz Pharmaceuticals Vice President of Sales, Sandoz BU Head, and Sandoz Executive Committee Member as Vice President of Pharmaceutical Operations and Human Resources.

In addition to our founding partners we have a network of affiliate certified associates.


We are honored to be included in the Spring 2019 issue of LTEN Magazine. You can read the whole story and get a greater understanding for our DEVELOP Coaching Model by clicking here.