Sales Leadership: We offer six different programs that teach the most effective ways to achieve success in sales leadership.



Leadership Essentials

o   This program introduces a leadership philosophy based on the foundation of Authenticity.  This means one needs to understand enduring beliefs.  Being true to those enduring beliefs.  Using those beliefs to be sincere, specific, transparent, and candid in any leadership situation


Coaching Dimensions

o   In addition to an established leadership philosophy there are fundamental skills every good coach must possess, and routinely utilize

o   An established leadership philosophy and  a good coaching model does not adequately prepare coaches to become the most professional guides and advisors

o   In depth learning and excellent application of four foundational coaching skills are critical success factors in a coach’s, and organizations, ability to train and develop the talent necessary to ensure continuous improvement and sustainable success. These Coaching Dimensions are:

- Diagnose

- Prioritize




DEVELOP Coaching Model

o   Straightforward coaching conversation focused on skill development to achieve measurable results

o   Practical & tactical

o   Focused approach that concentrates on the call where ~80% of skills (competencies) coaching by managers’ occurs

o   Provides the specificity, measurability, and observability of the call objective(s) to move customers along the HCP continuum

o   High performers routinely request direct, open and honest feedback

o   Coaching is predictable and structured, leading to credibility and trust

o   Simplicity raises self-awareness of representative’s ability to become better at self-coaching


Authentic Coaching

o   Virtually all coaching programs attempt to teach motivation along with coaching.  This program does not. Instead of “coaching for motivation”, motivation should occur as a consequence of understanding and applying the Essentials of good coaching.  Even coaches with good instincts perform poorly because they attempt to “motivate” when they should be offering PROFESSIONAL, DIRECT and HONEST feedback about Performance vs. Specific Objectives, Specific Method and Specific Actions.  

o   Authentic Coaching will accomplish this and employees will feel more motivated because our management team is PROFESSIONAL, DIRECT and HONEST, and because those managers have provided their teams with the skills necessary to be DIRECT & HONEST with themselves for continuous growth and improvement.


Identifying & Finding Talent

o   This workshop challenges conventional hiring approaches that assess skills & knowledge. Through a series of exercises, participants will understand that sales talent is innate. The second half  of the programs focuses on how to identify the traits of the best and bring them into the organization.

Engaging and Developing High Potential Talent

o   This course showcases Best Demonstrated Practices of Engagement & Development of High Potential Talent. It equips 1st and 2nd line leadership with concepts, tools, and approaches that increase the ability to help others to fulfill their potential.


Building and Implementing more effective One-on-Ones

o   This tool serves as a process for more productive and measurable sales Leadership 1:1 Reviews.  This structure and accompanied training bring a discipline to these critical conversations.